On Change: Lessons from Feminism Past

with Judy Rebick, Award-Winning Author, Feminist and Public Commentator

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Ep 8 On Change Lessons from Feminism Past Annahid Dashtgard and Judy Rebick

Judy Rebick is a seasoned feminist who was a leader in the pro-choice struggle here in Canada. She was President of the National Action Committee on the Status of Women from 1990-1993.

She’s hosted her own political debate show with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation as well as continuing as a regular media commentor on feminist and social justice issues. Judy is the subject of the award-winning documentary Judy vs. Capitalism and author of no fewer than six books, including the seminal book of the Canadian Women’s movement: Ten Thousand Roses: The Making of a Feminist Revolution.  

My good friend, mentor, and inspiration, Judy and I spend this episode reflecting on her remarkable history and the necessary ability to work across differences to bring about political change.

We talk anger and activism, where anger is helpful and where it’s not, and where we can find the silver lining as we look to the future. 

For more on the theme of inclusive change, read the story “Ocean Intelligence” in my upcoming book Bones of Belonging — now available for purchase

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