On Body: My Revolution is Brown and Beautiful

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On Body: My Revolution is Brown and Beautiful Annahid Dashtgard with Farzana Doctor, Author and Psychotherapist

Farzana Doctor is a psychotherapist and author of four critically acclaimed novels, including Seven, a groundbreaking novel partially based on her own experience with female genital mutilation.

In this episode, Farzana and I speak about the journey to belong in bodies rejected by the society around us, and why Farzana chose to speak publicly about her experience with female genital mutilation—still a taboo topic in many parts of the world. We discuss how learning to love our bodies is the most revolutionary act because the body doesn’t lie, but perhaps instead holds the keys to personal liberation. 

For more on the theme of body, read the story “Rebel Body” in my book Bones of Belonging: Finding Wholeness in a White World.

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